Saturday, April 25, 2009


Um, we finished!!!!!!!!!

Monday, March 30, 2009

Update on Rough Draft

I have been able to complete my rough draft except for one part. I still do not have a conclusion because I am a little confused about what to fill it with. Do I summarize my point? How do I do that without it seeming like I'm repeating myself over again? I don't know.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Rough Draft Progress

I have written a little over three pages of the rough draft for my paper so far. I think I have gotten through the easier part of the paper to right, but I know I still have several pages left to finish. I have all my information, all my quotes, etc. I just hope this paper turns out well. I guess I'll find out. : )

Friday, March 6, 2009


Today in class, I was able to find a couple more sources of information. I found another article about the topic. I also looked up information on a class size reduction program that took place in Tennessee some years ago. I found a website for one of these kinds of programs that's in New York. I looked at some of its pages, and it looks like a good source of information, also.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Works Cited

Boyd-Zaharias, Jayne, and Helen Pate-Bain. "Class Matters- In and Out of School: Public Education: Small Classes." Phi Delta Kappan: The Journal for Education (2008): 42-43.

Englehart, Joshua M. "The Centrality of Context in Learning from Further Class Size Research." 3 Jan. 2007. Cleveland, OH.

This will help me by giving a lot of information on class size data.

Graue, Elizabeth, Kelly Hatch, Kalpana Rao, and Denise Oen. "The Wisdom of Class-Size Reduction." 9 Jan. 2007. ELibrary. Norton Public Library, Norton, MA.

Jamieson, Brian. "Class size does matter, Ontario teachers say." Infotrac. Norton Public Library, Norton, MA. Feb. 2009. Keyword: does class size matter.

This will help because this issue happens in another country, rather than just America.

Lee, Joseph J. "Size matters: an exploratory comparison of small- and large-class university lecture introductions." Bridgewater State College Library, Bridgewater, MA. Feb. 2009. Keyword: class size teaching learning.

Litke, Garry. "Parents want Class-Size Limits." Teacher Newsmagazine 2000. Feb. 2009 .

This source will help me with research on what the general public and parents think about class sizes.

Maisel, Sabrina. "Does Class Size Matter?" SuperKids. 2007. Feb. 2009 .

This has research of students' test scores.

Robertson, Heather-Jane. "Does size matter?." Phi Delta Kappan 87.3 (Nov 2005): 251. General OneFile. Gale. Norton Public Library. 3 Mar. 2009

Sherry, Allison. "Experts unsure how much class size affects learning Studies show that smaller classes can boost a pupil's performance, but experts also say there are many factors that can influence achievement levels." Infotrac. Norton Public Library, Norton, MA. Feb. 2009. Keyword: does class size matter.

Smyth, Justin. "Students Suffer when Class Sizes Too Large." The Lantern [Columbus, OH] 13 Oct. 2000, Column sec. The Lantern. Feb. 2009 .

This article helps because it means that classes are also too big in college, and it's a problem.

Tokofsky, David. "Too Many Kids." Los Angeles Times 21 Aug. 2007, Opinion sec. Feb. 2009 .

This helps because it means this is an issue across the country.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Further Progress and Articles for Reference

In class today, I managed to get some more articles printed out for references. I also got a magazine with information in a small section inside. I was not able to find any book references on my topic, but I will try and continue to look for some. Other than this, I have not done anything more.

Infotrac- does class size matter- "Experts unsure how much class size affects learning Studies show that smaller classes can boost a pupil's performance, but experts also say there are many factors that can influence achievement levels."

Infotrac- same- "Class size does matter, Ontario teachers say"

Infotrac- class sizes in schools- "Does size matter?(class room size should be reduced)."

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Vacation Progress

Over vacation, I continued to look at the sites I posted earlier. I am having trouble finding some books that have the topic. I might need help with this. I think I have plenty of sites for references with articles from journals and such. I also have some database references. I will need help finding a couple of books with information on the topic.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Possible Research Paper Topics

For my research paper, I am thinking about researching the question: "Should English be declared the Official Language of the United States?" In the paper, I would put advantages and disadvantages of having an official language. I think I may be able to get a lot of information on this topic, but if anyone has any suggestions for something else, that would be great. This is just an idea, not a definite choice. If I can think of a better topic, this might change.

I know I keep adding to this post, but I just found another possible research topic: "Do teachers in a classroom of thirty or forty students accomplish their goals as educators? Should they be expected to?" If you think this is a good idea, please comment and let me know.

New Blog

Yay, I have a new blog!